Sunday, June 26, 2005

Random Ramblings - Probably Overdue....

- - ok…I’ll warn ya…this one’s gonna be a long one - - here goes - -

What a week. What a weekend…I am always glad for a time to rest and days that I don’t have to stay outside all day and melt in the heat. But sometimes, it gets to be Sunday and I long for the business of the weekdays to begin. It has been an emotional week for me – lots of ups and downs – and I felt the only appropriate way to finish this out and usher in the beginnings of a new week is right here; sitting outside Starbucks (or I guess I should say – the Starbucks/IHOP – yeah…only in WI)….with an iced Carmel Macchiato, my journal, good music, and a storm approaching in the distance. It’s starting to get real dark out and the wind is picking up. The temp has just dropped a good 10 degrees or more (ptl) and it’s sort of refreshing. I’m sitting here listening to music with the thunder echoing as a natural bass boost. We’re starting to get desperate for rain up here – and I too long to be drenched…to be soaked…I just feel so dry….

Well…this blog may end up being sort of random…but try to stay with me. I’m not even sure that this will all make sense to me in the end…but I just decided I’ll throw it all out there. Maybe then I’ll be able to take a better look at things and find some clarity. Who knows…here goes nothing….

So, today was a minor breaking point…not a huge deal…but not very fun either. I went to church and was just sort of sad. Every Sunday I go and I see people and I think to myself – “there is SO MUCH MORE for you. Would you just stop pretending that everything in your life is perfect?” I mean, Pastor Tom talks about being a church that wants to reach the community and wants to stay united; being a place where the body supports each of its members – but I want to know - how the heck do we expect to reach out to the new people or stay united if we can’t even be real with each other – people we know and supposedly love. Why do we have to be perfect? I mean, it’s no secret that none of us are perfect people. What about Royce? Royce and Tasha are new friends of mine – Royce is battling his 6th bout with brain cancer in the past 4 years – this time the surgery didn’t happen in time and tumors reached his spinal cord. They’re now having to inject chemo right into the spinal cord. He has good weeks and bad weeks – but many more rough ones than good right now. I mean, occasionally his name is mentioned in church…but he hasn’t been able to come to church in at least 6 weeks….why are we not going to pray for him? Why are we not trying to care for Tasha – she so great and supportive and she tries to be positive. She knew a little bit about when she was getting into when she married him – but they haven’t had a ton of time together as a couple where he hasn’t been sick…and she has stuck by his side. Why aren’t we taking time to stay with him so she can get out of the house. Last Friday night my friend Heather and I got together with Tasha and just had a movie night…so was so excited to get out with us she almost cried…I admire her so much. And why do the sick seem, at times, to have more faith than those of us who are supposed to be supporting them? Royce will tell anyone who comes to see him…he believes God’s going to do a miracle…because he’s had this cancer 5 times already and he’s still here. However, the doctors are getting together soon to decide whether or not to give up the fight medically. Royce needs a miracle and he is fully expecting one. But what about us as a church? Maybe the bigger miracle would be if the church came together in faith that a miracle was possible – faith that God still heals today.

Or what about Quinn? I went to elementary school with Quinn and just saw him for the first time in 10 years a couple weeks ago. His family goes to our church and his brother is over in Iraq. What about him? He’s been trying to figure out what to do with his life for the past year. He is a new Christian and doesn’t seem to know how to fit into the church. And we’re not helping. People are shy of talking to him because he has a couple tattoos. But he’s sweet – a good kid. Totally turned his life around and now is scared – seeing no real answers to his daily questions. Why isn’t some adult male coming along side of him – teaching him how to be a good Christian man – how to be a leader. Why aren’t we trying to help him find a job he can do and feel satisfaction in?

What about Emily and Nate? They have a little boy named Caleb. They both work long hours and Caleb spends most of his time at the babysitter’s house – has just started calling her ‘mommy’ – poor little one gets so confused. Emily is so hurt that her little one is starting to be comforted by other people than her. However, she has led a rough life and still has a lot of wounds. She is 28 – but real immature. She’s scared…and lonely….and feels guilty that she sometimes just wants to leave her husband and son to get away for a little while (not leave them forever – just “get away”). She doesn’t feel good enough and her husband isn’t very affirming – but he’s working LONG days trying to provide for his family. He’s so tired. Why aren’t we praying about the job they are so desperately praying for that would give them better hours and more family time? Why aren’t we helping them figure out how they’re going to afford college for Nate so he can get into a job he’ll love and be good at …not just one he’s roped into because they need money?

These are just a couple of examples…and I know there are more. Many times I see people at church and I just know how they’re hurting…is that weird? Well…all that’s to say….we, like most churches, are a church of hurting people….not bad people…hurting. We need to focus on one another and if we would just be a little open – we could meet someone else’s needs and end up getting our own needs met. I don’t know…I’m sorry…just a little rant. Maybe I care about these people a little more than I thought.

Anyways, I was a little upset when I got home. And then I overreacted to an email I got from a friend. Don’t get me wrong – I love hearing from this person…but I just got a little worked up. I felt like I was getting yelled at a little bit. That’s not what was going on…but I was being reminded of things I already know – or should know. Things about trusting God fully and exercising the authority I have in Christ. Sometimes it feels like my heart and heat have a bad connecting…like sometimes the wires short out and the things I know don’t reach my heart. And it’s not excuse but I’ve just been so worn out lately…I haven’t really felt like I had the energy to fight the lies (I mean, I know that’s a lie…I am NOT too tired…but it’s easy to think so). I’ve just gotten lazy and settled into the safe excuses – settled into feeling sorry for myself.

Sometimes it’s easier to stay in the tough and painful places…because it seems that reaching the joyful point will take too much effort or will be too painful a process. But…is it worth it? Probably. But this week…I’ve settled for a mediocre existence. I don’t want to be mediocre any more. More on this in a second.

This afternoon I called Maura and talked to her for a little while. Can I just say how much I love that girl…she’s great. I called her because I was real delinquent in returning and email I got from her –mainly because I didn’t know what to say – and decided to talk to her on the phone instead. We talked about fear and it got me thinking. Here’s where things will probably get a little more random…but I’m sorry…I just don’t know a good way to link them all together….but here goes…..thoughts:

- you can see some things you think about God thru what you fear. For example…fearing giving up control to God…is really the fear that God is one who would take advantage of me or hurt me. Maybe about future stuff it would be the fear that God would ask of me something he knows I can’t do – looking for me to fail. But the truth is, I don’t really think God is one who takes advantage of people, hurts people, or looks to make us look bad. I know that God is good.
- Or look at my reaction to how he works. I mean – I ask for healing and restoration…but I don’t know how to let him heal me…or how to let him comfort me. I get in my own way. Or, when things get rough or painful…I question how he chooses to deal with my stuff – I start to feel picked on. But the truth is, healing isn’t easy and most of the time, it hurts. But there is hope for a “sweet relief” – but I don’t allow myself to get that far. I get to the point where things are uncomfortable and either I stop trusting and take back control…or I get bitter and start to feel sorry for myself.
- Forgiveness – I am less forgiving and grace-giving to my family than anyone else. For my friends – I don’t hold grudges and long for restoration when a break in the relationship happens…but for my family it’s different. Actually, maybe it’s not just the fact that they are my family…the truth is, I expect that if I’m going to forgive someone they’ll forgive me for my short-comings as well. I will forgive if I’m forgiven. It’s horrible I know…I’m kinda ashamed to admit this…but it was clearly brought to my attention today when I was talking to Maura – it just popped in my head without warning *smack* - so…how does one get to a point where they can forgive those who won’t forgive them? How do I bless the people that tear me down in such a personal way? How do I let them be human?
- It’s hard for me to let myself be different. I mean, it’s hard enough with the people that won’t let me show them how I’ve changed my life around – but I also have trouble letting myself be different. I mean, I’m not talking about resisting temptation – I’m talking about how I see myself. My past is a good excuse for my present thoughts and feelings. I used to look at my life and try to figure out why I did the things I do or felt the way I used to feel…and at the time, it was because of my past – I could see how it all fit together. But now that I’ve changed my ‘actions’ and am not living in those sin issues…I still like to use the past as an excuse for letting Satan get to me – and excuse for questioning blatant lies that are just trying to drag me down. I don’t actually have those excuses anymore – they’re not legitimate – so…I need to let myself be different. There was a time last year where I was panicked because I didn’t know how to deal with things now that I was getting healthy and because I knew the truth about things. Isn’t that kinda sick? Trying so hard to make things right…and then not knowing how to live in a ‘healthy’ place? Man…what’s wrong with me?
- Just a few hours ago – we had our first SALT group meeting (student action leadership team) – it’s a discipleship/accountability group for some of the high school youth – training leaders. I’m one of the two girl ‘leaders’ and tonight was just a sort of introduction time. Greg Arneson is leading the group – I’ve known him my whole life and his parents were our bible study leaders up until this year (he calls me “Jenny” ALL THE TIME – haha…I don’t really mind it too much anymore – it’s kinda funny to me now). He decided to take over and give our youth pastor Jason a little bit of a break. O…side note – here’s a praise…is dad got a double lung transplant Moday – he’s been at the top of the transplant list for a year now. He has a long way to go but it’s a great start. Anyways – our topic for the next couple weeks is the beatitudes. They’re going to take them one at a time and study each one until everyone feels ready to move on. Anyways – a couple of things to think about from that time.
1. “Meekness” – is defined as handling pain and hardship with patience and without bitterness. Whoa – what a butt-kicker. Handling the rough times with patience…have to work on that one…but it’s not nearly as bad as the “without bitterness” part. I realized I blame God for a lot of things that go wrong in life. Bad things DO happen to good people and it’s not God “doing it to us.” It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the whole “God loves me extravagantly” deal – God is good no matter what happens. And me fearing that people I love are going to get hurt or fearing I’m going to be hurt if I give up control to God isn’t right. I get angry when I’m hurting – instead of running to God and letting him be my father – letting him comfort and take care of me. Lately I’ve just been desperate for him to make himself really real to me. At the same time – I’m a little afraid of what that’d be like. Anyways – notice a theme here? Fear – yeah….
2. Greg talked about having an “Attitude of Gratitude” I used to get SO annoyed by that phrase – my parents used it when I was little – usually calling me out on something I was complaining about – something I ‘should’ be thankful for but couldn’t see as a blessing at the time. That’s kinda like the beatitudes…reading the first parts of them – blessed are the meek, merciful, poor in spirit, persecuted…etc…doesn’t sounds like fun….doesn’t sound like something I’d like to sign up for. However, a lot of times we only read the first halves of those verses – we miss the second parts…we miss the promise of blessings to come. We miss the hope we can have.
- Finally, thoughts about moving back to Greenville. I am kinda excited for the year and kinda scared too. I don’t know what’s coming…but I know it’s going to be different than any year I’ve had there before. I’m a little afraid of how God may want me to get involved with people. I’m afraid of putting myself out there, wanting to love on people, and being rejected. And presently – I’m a little concerned about finding a place to live. I made a ton of calls yesterday and may have some decent possibilities. Also – job and how to pay for it – yeah – it’s a little messy. But here’s the thought that has run thru my head all day – “God did not lead me back to Greenville just to end up leaving me jobless and homeless – if that’s where he wants me to be he’s going to provide for me – and probably above and beyond what I can imagine right now. I’m trying to trust – but it’s hard - but it’ll be ok…right?
Well…guess that’s about all I got. I apologize for the length…but I guess it’s been a long time coming…any thoughts are welcome…bring’em on. I’m trying to trust, trying to be still…wait on God’s timing and his will…but sometimes I just feel sort of low and empty. It’s no excuse – but hopefully I’ll learn how to learn in those moments and not take steps back – not fear but cling even tighter to the truth I’ve come to learn. We will see….

Ok…I’m off to get things ready for tomorrow…tomorrow I’m back to the good old cubicle on 6 wheels…I think that’s going to be what I’m gonna call it from now on. Because even though I get to move in it…when you are going back and forth and back and forth to the same place all the time…it gets REAL boring and you feel sort of trapped. O well…. I am blessed to have a job.


Monday, June 20, 2005

finally got a haircut - -what do you think?? Posted by Hello

so....define "Guy's Night Out"....

gotta love an unexpected drop-by and an invitation to get out and do somethin....

Matt and Kevin stopped over tuesday night to invite me over to the "guy's night" they were having - -haha...yeah...i don't really understand it either...but...i guess i'm grateful for any friends that want to hang out right now. so yeah - poker night with the guys...what could be better...right? :} Posted by Hello

Tacoma trip update - photo-style... my trip to WA was AMAZING - there is so much i want to much to much to process. it's been tough to try to get it going on here but i wanted to do something -- so here are some pics...hopefully i'll upload all of them and post a link soon....but for now....enjoy :)

glass......?!?!?!?! Posted by Hello

in the rose garden...can you guess the metaphor here? Posted by Hello

well...we all knew when we saw this little one it was a bad idea to leave him alone with a sno cone - he kept yelling..."mommy--i can't fall" - - - and sure enough....right after i took this it ended up in the sand...although he had no problem having a gritty sno cone later...ick! Posted by Hello

this little guy was moving a little too quick for grandma - bethany to the rescue! Posted by Hello

"i wanna be like my dad....uhhuh...." Posted by Hello

crisp...can you feel it? Posted by Hello

yay! friends.......amy, bethany, julie, jackie, leah...and yes....i'm holding a pink flower - - actually...i think i'm starting to mellow a little bit with the whole anti-pink deal....who knows.... ;) Posted by Hello

 Posted by Hello

ahhh...finally about to land in Seattle - the first time i've seen mountains...i was a "tourist" for a second and took a pic from the plane - bea--utiful!! Posted by Hello

well...the trip started off with a 4 hour conversation with josephe-maria....this pic is of the last 10 min of the flight when he finally passed out (after finishing his 6th travel bottle of liquer)....good times....story to come..... :) Posted by Hello

restart?'s the deal. i know i've needed to update for a long time....and i've wanted to. but every time i try - i don't know where to start. so...guess i'm going to post some pics and i'll update about them later....ok? i would do it now...but i'm's a fast forward version of life the past few weeks....ready-set-go....

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

just a side note...nothing more...and feel a whole lot less....

*warning - pathetic rant below - read at your own risk*

this is what i've come to realize...i am just an afterthought most of the time with my "friends."

i guess i had a lot of time to think in the truck today - 8 hours of solitude will do it i guess...that and i was supposed to have some qt with someone this evening and things got all messed up. instead - she's on her way towards chicago to see someone else. o's the deal....

i'm lonely...i'm sick of being here in janesville with no one i can really talk to. no one around here knows me - i just want someone to know me. i know people say that i need to be intentional about trying to talk to people and "let" them get to know me. but really...i've been trying...really...and i'm no further along in the whole deal then any other day around here. and in all honesty...people around here don't really care to get to know me. and i should be ok with it. i mean - you can't make anyone get to know you be your friend. this city - many people and yet no one to hang out with. i've heard a lot recently that janesville has turned into a really unfriendly place. people seem to have a hard time trying to move here and get to know anyone....guess that should make me feel good that at least i'm not the only one...but it doesn't. i mean...i'm not someone new. i was born here, grew up here, when to school here, come back every summer, etc. ugh! for real...what do i have to do to get someone to notice that i've here and i'm lonely. it's dumb i know...but when i was younger i kida wished i'd get into some sort of bad accident or something where i was hurt so i could see who really gave a rip. don't get me wrong...i'm not thinking that way at all. but sometimes i just start to think and wonder who would show up if something did happen to me. it bothers me that i don't know. i know i don't have a good defintion of what a "friend" is...but here's what's bothering me...let me explain the "side note" idea.

i'm tired of being, what i'm going to start to refer to as, a 'reply' friend. someone people most of the time will email back if i send them something with a question in it, someone who may talk to me or return a call if i call them, someone people will let visit them if i decide to take time out to go and see them. i mean, i love to be the person people call when they're in a crisis time or when they happen to be in the area and need a place to crash for a little bit - but i'm just not satisfied with being a "reply" friend. today...i'm just tired and lonely and just want to hear from someone. sometimes there are days when i just want to know that i matter to someone...but unfortunately - i basically have to seek out people to get anything close to that. it's just not the same. maybe it's just prideful and maybe this is wrong...i don't know....but i just wish that my "friends" missed me enough or cared enough to call or email me (even if i didn't do it first), people who'd notice when it's been a long time since we've had a convo, someone who'd want to come and see me because they miss hanging out. i'm just tired of feeling like i am the only one who cares whether or not we are friends - the only one trying to keep in contact or keep some sort of running convo. maybe i'm just afraid of being forgotten. i guess that would be my fear except i honestly do want to know these people and want them to know me. although...i do kinda feel probably has a lot to do with my family - - who seem to have forgotten that they have two children instead of just one (doing things like forgetting to pick up enough food for four people, forgetting to tell me about 'family things' we're doing, leaving places without me...stuff like that). i don't know. i wish people knew how much i think about them - i care a lot and more than just wanting people to know me - i want to stay up to date with what's going on in people's lives. and most of the time...i have a weird feeling of what is going on with them and so...i hate it when i know that there's something going on with people and i can't be there for them or they're not really talking to me. i'm just all hit me at once today. i know there are friends who are for a time and other friends for a lifetime....but where are my friends for this time? why do i have to care so deeply about my friends who seem to be just for a short time? why do i seem to pick people who are on their way out to get to know? ok..i know you're going to say that i'm exaggerating or i'm just over-sensitive...but seriously...every person i get close to or let get close to me leaves. it sucks - there are so many friends that i'm not sure when or if i'll see them again...and i'm frustrated. just when things get falls apart. i know this isn't true...but sometimes i feel like God does sometime like this: "hmmm...let's see what she thinks of this? makes her happy/o...things are working out....well...better change that." ok - so that's really cynical and stuff...but i'm tired. i need a little break. i just want something good to come into my life and stick around long enough for me to really enjoy it - maybe have a little peace - just a little bit. i don't mean that everything has to be easy...but just let things even out for a sec so i can catch my breath???

man...i am really looking forward to this vacation. 4 days half way across the country (i guess, living in the midwest...that's about as far as i can get in the US) - away from all of this...maybe i'll be able to get a little better perspective on things. just to see someone familiar...that'd be a highlight. i know that i should just trust that God knows what He's doing better than i ever could. i should trust that He's sticking by me even though no one else seems to be around. i should trust that He's going to provide and be my comfort and peace..but i don't feel head and my heart have yet to catch up with each other. guess i'd better wrap this one up while i'm still "ahead" (but at this point i'm not totally sure that's the case at the present time )...o you know what's been running in my head today - i'm sure some of you really weren't looking for that much of a rant...i apologize...hopefully future posts will have the positive to report...

Monday, June 06, 2005

a little start on posting that's been long overdue....

well...i've been wanting to get back into posting things on here for a long time now. but everytime i get online to do it...i get distracted...or maybe it's the fact that i have so much to share to "catch up" on the life of gets a little overwhelming and i quit. o well...i decided...for tonight at leave you with a couple of pics before i get the chance to write for real. tonight i went to watch church-league softball and ended up running into kristal and was good times actually...well....i'll have a good update later. actually - i'll probably end up back posting (is that cheating?) - maybe i'll just upload a lot of pics to tell you what's been going on with me...who knows...guess we'll see. but for now - i've gotta get ready for bed - i feel old...but i'm exhausted. work bright and early ...gotta love it...right?...nite all....

I think this may be the new hot man in my life....haha... just kidding ;) ....(Will was excited because I turned the screen around so he could see himself in the camera) Posted by Hello

Kristal, Ginger, and little Will - Gotta love a night out at Dawson's Field - Will is stylin... Posted by Hello