Wednesday, November 09, 2005

swiffer anyone??

blah, blah, blah, blah - man, it's only 8pm and i'm toast - i'm exhausted. i'm about to leave and go crash... but this first...

so - lesson # 34 billion or so of the day... hold on. before i get to that-the "lesson of the day" phrase made me think of something...fortune cookies - now there's a dumb idea. we go and have a dinner that we know is going to probably rip us apart later on in the day and finish our meal by opening some strangly folded (yeah - you should know better than to eat a 'cookie' that's been folded) sweet carboard-tasting cookie to find this little slip of paper inside (which is actually probably the real cause for the high price of the meal - afterall, you have to be skilled to cook paper inside a baked-good). everyone waits in anticipation to hear people read about some random thing that could possibly happen to someone, somewhere, if they waited around/lived long enough for it to happen. seriously - why do we care? now - it'd be a different story if the stupid cookies had lessons-of-the-day on there. seriously - you could avoid learning some things the hard way (sounds good to me)...picture this: you sit down to your chop-suey at your favorite local chinese restraunt and open you're cookie to find the words "just so you know - the law says you have to be parked 4 feet away from a driveway" - and you think...shoot...glad someone said something...i'd better get my butt out of her and move my car before i get a flippin ticket. comeon now - that's a whold lot better than hearing "in the future you will make a wise decision that will change your life" and thinking to yourself...well that's all nice to think about but the crappy decision to park too close to the end of the driveway of the house next store this restraunt was a $50 mistake you wish someone/something had warned you about. ok - that all was real dumb...but think about it anyways - unless you have something better to think which case - go right ahead... (but whatever it is i bet you won't find a fortune cookie to give you any sort of answer on the subject)

anyways - a lesson from today (and other days...but i didn't think too much about it till today) - you can't keep people from living their lives...even the stupid ones. just because a person is a jerk...doesn't mean you can or should try to control where they go and what they do. just because they always happen to end up in an inconvient place (a.k.a. - wherever you happen to be) and it makes things awkward - doesn't mean you can expect them to avoid things where you might run into each other. also - evenually, i guess someone has to deal with the awkwardness -otherwise that tension will never go away. i don't know - i guess lately i've bee frustrated with a certain person who is like invading my space - really just showing up places i 'm at and 'making' things uncomfortable. well - i can't control what they do with their lives...i can't keep them from hurting me any more than i can make them love me or be good to me. i know it's true but it makes me sad too. ever taken a look at a broken relationship and finally realized - it's over...i can't fix this?? - it made me want to cry last night. it's easier when you know something's your fault and you can change where things go in the's harder to realize that it's all over and your plans and dreams of your future life aren't going to come true. all that's to say - i need to figure out how to deal with people better - especially those i got too close to. man - it's all messy.

quick - someone hand me a towel...or better yet...get me a swiffer (people on tv are always seeming to have an awesome time cleanin up if they're using it).....



Anonymous said...

Looking forward to read your next post. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------buy-flonase online

Tiffani P said...

1) you continue to be a very good writer - funny, poignant.
2) i heard that swiffers are very inexpensive. I can't buy you one right now because I have (apparently, according to the bank) spent ALL my money (and then some).
Love, tiffani

p.s. may want to consider turning on word verification on your comments.