Monday, March 26, 2007

baby make-over

whelp - the time finally came - scott finally convinced dana something needed to be done...
we had a funny lookin kid...
at times looking like a mad-scientist...

and other an old man in a little body...

ahh - that's better! what a good lookin little man :)

birthday pics2


"24 candles" - doesn't have the same ring as 16...

hee hee - sort of looks like the cake's on fire...

birthday wouldn't be complete without the snow...(and this is after 2 days of melting!)
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birthday weekend :)

birthday weekend at home - we got to go to my favorite restraunt - we only go on special occasions :) - J.M.K. Nipon's - awesome Japanese grill...

aww - how cute are they?

Friday, March 23, 2007

just a sad day...

there's so much i want to get out on here...good and bad. i feel like i'm continually waiting for "enough time" to write. always...the boys schedules seem to be opposite (one asleep while the other's awake..then vice versa). so just a prayer request....

i guess i waited a couple days to long to write. at the beginning of the week i was so positive about life - felt like nothing could get me down... this week's been tough and i find myself really frustrated. a couple people i know are really struggling right now - mainly cancer (i'm SO SICK of everyone having cancer!) - and it looks like they don't have much time left and i SO wish there was something i had to offer them...

today my aunt's heart stopped. my grandma found her on the floor of her apt and called the ambulance...her heart didn't actually stop until she was at the hospital thankfully- they revived her and right now she's in surgery to put in a pace-maker..she probably doesn't have a lot of time left even if the surgery is successful...but i'm praying for a miracle. she's had a lot of health problems lately...and getting older...but just recently she's begun to let my family into her life (she's VERY independant - to the point of almost being a recluse) and recently i've just felt a real NEED to know my family's been great and now i care about her SO deeply. anyways - if you would pray for her i'd appreciate it...more news to come...eventually...


Friday, March 02, 2007

february FLEW by...yay march!

whelp - i guess we're into march now (man, time is seriously FLYING by - sometimes this is good and sometimes maybe not...) and i guess a lot has happened. i feel like everything (relationships, life, me) has changed dramatically in the past two weeks...and's amazing. here are some bullet points (today i'm cleaning all day so hopefully i can leave this weekend - to celebrate my birthday with my parents - and come back to a clean apt :)

1. stomach tests - horrible prep day, not too bad of a test day - and my dad got to come down with my mom (because of a snowday - it was -35 in WI:) which made everything better.

2. tests all came back negative - doctor made me feel stupid for trying some diet changes that HE suggested - but in the end he gave some guesses as to what's wrong and gave me some med and sent me on my way. a little frustrating but i'd rather be on meds than do any more testing. in the end - the meds are working a little bit - so i'm going to try messing with the dosing and some diet stuff and see if i can fix myself :)

3. mel had to go home for a week and a half after a greenville doctor (who shall remain nameless til i write my angry-big sister-letter :) told her she was faking being sick. mel's gotten pneumonia 4 times in the past 5 years and went to the dr very sick. he refused to even do a chest xray. my mom called before the apt to talk to the doctor about her past pneumonia problems and when he first came in the room said said to mel "aww - mommy wants her little baby to come home..."*in the most annoying sarcastic tone ever! anyways - my mom came and picked her up and took her home. she went to the dr and found she had "a substantial amount of fluid built up in the left lung" and was almost put in the hospital- she's been on antibiotics for 2 1/2 weeks now - having to be on two courses and might have to go for a third if this on doesn't kick it. so much for faking it huh?

and...the big news.... :)

4. applied to edgewood college in madison - going back to school to get my bsn - meeting with an advisor on campus on monday :) i know that sort of comes out of no where but it's a REALLY good story i'll tell later - but now i've gotta go get the baby...he's definately wake! haha.

5. o yeah, and i'm going home to WI - in a snowstorm per usual...but i have monday off too (what is this pulaski day? who cares ....i have another day of freedom :) so it's a nice long weekend...and birthday stuff...who doesn't like that right??

til later....
