Thursday, October 26, 2006

4 weeks...still employed...and still alive :)

let me begin with a quick note: i've been pretty frustrated lately...but...i DO love my new place, the Pasley's are REALLY good to me, and i love Isaac too...just so ya know...

o, and wanted some here ya go! :)

Whelp, I guess week #4 is coming to an end. I can’t believe I’ve been working her almost a month now. In some ways the time had totally flown by…and in other ways each day feels REALLY long. It’s been a while since I posted anything of substance…so maybe I’ll give some recaps of the highlights and lowlights of the past couple weeks….

-First week - my first weekend in Greenville was “little pig and apple days.” I was still trying to settle in and hadn’t made a whole lot of connections with people…so I went with the Pasley family. Scott’s kids, Dalton (8) and Kennedy(6), Dana’s parents, Dana’s sister, Isaac and I all headed into town (that’s so funny to say – “heading into town”…haha). Anyways…there were new experiences like sweet potato fries and pepper jelly…and funny stuff like trying to keep an eye on Isaac to make sure he didn’t drop-trow in public :) (we were successful twice – but when ya gotta go, ya gotta go I guess)…then we all headed back for his birthday party. There, I met the rest of the family…what a crew! A little awkward…but fun.

-Second week – my second week was relatively calm and for a second I thought I had a pretty good handle on things. I was trying really hard to get everything balanced out (and personally doing a pretty poor job of it)….so I was real tired and reaching my quota of alone/no-adult-convo time…getting pretty lonely. So, I joined the women’s biblestudy – more on that to come.

- Week three – this is when the real craziness started. I thought by the end of the second week that the time of Isaac testing me and testing boundaries was over. Man, I was SO WRONG! This was the worst – I spent lots and lots of time trying to tune out screaming and crying (I have a lot more patience than I thought I had)…by the end of the week his tactics had changed…he just got ornery. Thursday and Friday everything came to a head. Thursday we had out first little “war” over nap time…not that I didn’t have to work to get him down the other days…but this day was different…things were weird. He started getting out of bed and instead of sneaking around or running away…he made sure to find me and let me know he was not going to stay in bed. I put him back in bed for 2 hours. At one point, I was standing at the doorway and could hear him talking to himself (?)…saying things like “I’m supposed to stay in bed…what? You say I should get out of bed…ok….good idea.” I asked him who he was talking to and he said, “Roger.” Whelp – come to find out…he now has developed an imaginary friend…one who tells him to do bad things…it got a little weird that day. He started talking over his shoulder while I was still in the room…discussing with Roger ways to get around me…he said things like…”that didn’t work…I should try getting out the other side of the bed? Ok…good idea…I’ll try that.” I tried to talk to him about making “good choices”…and he said “Roger doesn’t like your choices. He says you choices are wrong. He doesn’t like you and said he’s gonna get you.” Ahh…a little creepy! I talked to his parents about it and they said that a couple months ago he talked about “a guy” and how they’d be doing something like going down the stairs and Isaac would make them stop and “let the guy go down first.” Roger hasn’t shown up must since then…just occasionally…but…I don’t know what to do about him in the future…

Anyways – Friday was just as bad. Everything was a fight or a crisis…lots of tears…but the tears stopped at nap time. Instead, he got out of bed again and again…laughing and just trying to get a rise out of me. After about 45 mins he asked me to lay down with him and hold him. I finally said “yes” because I just wanted him to stay in bed. So, I laid down with him and told him I was going to sleep – closed my eyes and tried to be still…had my arm around him a little. As soon as I was there he started pushing and kicking…finally said “let go!” and thru himself backwards…our heads connected (I didn’t see it coming – eyes closed)…and I thought I was going to have to go to the doctor. My head hurt so bad and I felt sick…bad deal…but Isaac didn’t seem to notice. I put him back in bed for another half an hour, finally sitting on the bed next to him and cried a little…I couldn’t help it…my head hurt and I was frustrated…he looked at me, laughed, and turned over and went to sleep. AH! Made me so mad! Well, I told his mom and she gave him a snack and said he needed to try to be a better listener…and that was it…no consequences. I almost quit…

- whelp, I didn’t quit…and now I’m here at week 4…it’s been a little better. Last weekend was Homecoming and the first time I really felt like Alumni. I played in the alum soccer game (made me feel old and I’m DEFINITELY out of shape) which was fun…and saw two heartbreaking losses for the men’s and women’s teams that afternoon. Saw lots of good and no so good people from the past…and in the end…Jenyne and Wendell surprised me! I ended up going out with them and Ray and her fiancĂ© - it was a blast and good to have time with friends from the past…in some ways it was like old times…and I liked that we could get back to that :) Sunday night was crazy but good – more on that later…and last night was the “fab 5” birthday party. The are 5 boys at the FM where were born in the month of October, so there parents have been throwing a little combined party for them each year. It was good, cake, lots of juice, balloons, and some little $1 presents (always turn out to be the fav.). today it’s cold and rainy and we haven’t gotten the chance to run off all our energy…so he’s up early from his nap (which means I didn’t get a nap :( but I did get time to write which is good. Tonight I’m hoping to get out and away for a little bit…if this is posted tonight I guess I will have made it out alive :)

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