Thursday, October 26, 2006

ramble... ramble...

Getting too overwhelmed lately and sort of lost in myself…I’m trying to dive back into being busy, and specifically church things…that’s good stuff to get involved in and gets me out and with people…right? Well, the women’s bible study has been SO good for me to go to. I get to drop off Isaac, where he has a lot of fun with his friends…and I get to talk to people who know what I’m dealin with. They never minimize what I’m struggling with, tell me about how they can relate from their past experiences and then advice about how they got thru it. So yeah, I don’t know them real well, and they don’t really know me…but I think I might want to keep feeling things out and risking it a little more each week. I don’t know…

I realized Sunday that there’s more going on with me than just being overwhelmed by my job…there’s something more that needs to change…I need to change and knock away at some old crap I thought I was done with. Someone had a picture for me on Sunday and it really made sense to me. I have some stuff to pray about in regard to certain aspects of the picture…but I’ve been struggling to stay focused and quiet myself enough to hear. I’m REAL distracted and there’s a lot of noise going on in my head…anyways – if you think about it – I’d appreciate prayer. Ok…well, I’ve spent PLENTY of time on here…I should go for now.

O, and I almost forgot…I GET TO GO HOME TOMORROW!! WOOHOO!! I’m not sure I’ve ever been this excited to spend the weekend with my fam :) it’s going to be a short trip ( I get done watching Isaac around 430 and will have to be back around 6pm Sunday…but it will be good. I wish the youth group was going to be around…but this weekend is convention…it’ll be enough to be in my own bed :)

All for now…


1 comment:

Tiffani P said...

did i comment on all of these yet? i read them this weekend. can't wait to see you, dear heart, this friday!!!!!!!!!!! love, tiff