Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Welcome Home Elijah!

Elijah was released from the hospital today and got to come home right before I left for Thanksgiving break. So much to be thankful for today!

5lb9oz, 17in, and look at that hair!! (it sort of poofs out and makes him look a little eccentric...hehe) so cute :)

don't get the wrong idea - he loves his new baby brother - but we caught him rolling his eyes while his dad was trying to instruct him on how to hold the baby

ahh - the men in my precious!...who could ask for anything more?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Thanksgiving Tipping Point"

Whelp, God’s gift to me today was a butt-kicking sermon (check it out - "Thanksgiving Tipping Point" at Now, sometimes you hear that sort of stuff and it’s real heavy and just makes you feel crappy, and other times it just blows right past you because you feel like everything and everyone has been hammering at that same sore spot. This was different. In it was almost a confirmation – and even though it was a sort of “hit you over the head moment,” there was some relief there too. Anyways…here’s the deal…

Pastor Doug began with Luke 14:18-33 – the first part of that is the story of the man who planned this great banquet, when he invited people to attend they gave him all these excuses and things they had to do first. He said “come” and they said “I will…but first I have to…” The second part of those verses is where Jesus talks about ‘counting the cost’ – how a builder would not jump into construction without figuring out if he has enough to finish the job…AND if he does start the job without counting the cost…will he quit mid-way thru if he found he was running low on materials? Another part was a king going into battle and whether or not he considers whether he has enough men to defeat the opposing army. Anyways – the theme was counting the cost and all that entails.

The question posed is…is Jesus telling us to count the cost and see if we’re going to make it and if we find that we are lacking too much to quit/not start at all? The answer (according to the sermon) – is no. Jesus is not telling us to ‘play it safe’…he is asking us to consider our resolve, not our resources. Pastor Doug then went on to talk about how we sometimes find ourselves in these situations where we are having to face a cost we never knew would be so much – more than we “intended” to lose. There’s our time of choice. And here’s a good quote – “it’s not until we give beyond our means that we’ll experience the miraculous provision of God.”

Well, there’s a lot there to process (at least in my head there is)…don’t think I really have enough coherent thoughts on it to post anything person…but I’ll get back to it later.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Baby News

I’m finally out of the house (Isaac’s grandpa came and picked him up for some good old “guy time”) and now all I can think of is sleep. I am SO tired…but it’s ok. The real problem is that I haven’t had any caffeine today – fighting the drowsiness and the headache…blah. Anyways…I have news :)

The baby came last Thursday night – at 6:28pm, 5lbs 11oz Elijah Scott Pasley decided it was time to make an appearance. So, life’s been absolutely nuts lately. The baby was born in Maryville, but he had to be transferred to Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis soon after. Dana, unfortunately, had to stay in Maryville because she had a c-section and hadn’t been released yet. Needless to say, she was less than thrilled at the idea of being away from her new little boy who wasn’t doing well. He was having trouble with his heart and lungs. I’ve been working to make connections and get Isaac to different relatives house…and he has stayed with me a couple nights as well…crazy but good. He’s really done well visiting the hospital and being sent to different people’s houses. Well, last night Elijah got to leave the NICU and he’s on a normal floor. They’re even saying he might come home tomorrow!! So, lot’s changing and things are kinda in a state of controlled chaos…but change is good I guess. Hopefully I’ll get to take a pic of him and get it posted soon (though I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who will be excited about it – that’s ok :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Presenting....Gary and Stacie White

this weekend i went home for Gary and Stacie's wedding. it was SO GREAT!! i'm not sure i've ever been so excited to see two people get married. they prove that waiting for the "perfect" match is worth matter how long you have to wait :)

He Giveth and Giveth and Giveth Again...

heard a speaker mention this poem/hymn a few weeks ago and it's stuck with me for a while now...this is a good time to be reminded...

"He Giveth More Grace" by Annie J. Flint

He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials he multiplies peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

quick update...

A little update…

Isaac has had 3 pretty good days this week – and I’m VERY proud of him!! Unfortunately, some life stuff is distracting me and I need to give him more encouragement and praise for being good. I still don’t feel like I known where my outlets or who my friends are around here…like, who do I call or go to when crappy stuff is happening at home or where something from the past comes back and knocks me down? How to I give “honest,” “real” prayer requests to my women’s bible study group when they don’t really know much about me and I’m afraid of what they will think of me or who they’ll tell? What if I really open up to them and they decide to tell Scott or Dana that I shouldn’t be taking care of their son? This is sort of heavy on my heart tonight because Wednesday is bible study morning. I don’t know. I feel like I have 2 different lives. The one that happens with Isaac and the one that I have to put off and “stuff” until night time (when, lately, my body doesn’t let me forget about it anymore – I’ve woken up every morning at 3am for the past 2 1/2 weeks)…anyways…this is the latest frustration. I’ll give you the summary because I’m sure no one really wants to know the details…but my heart aches…

Yet again, I find myself frustrated and upset by the reality that life isn’t always “fair” like I’d like it to be. I mean, I know “ultimately” I shouldn’t want life to be “fair” because I’m a sinner like everyone else – but I’ve sort of been smacked in the face with a situation that stirs up anger in me that I had stuffed away and forgot was there. I’m supposed to be happy and excited for this former “friend” of mine who’s getting another chance at marriage (it hasn’t even been a year since his wife died) – instead, I’m mad that this person, who hurt me and added another spot on my past that will influence my relationship with my future husband, gets a SECOND chance to get married and have a happy life– something I’ve kinda been struggling with lately (being single). Anyways, I don’t know what to do. I thought I was over the situation that happened, but I’m obviously not. It’s back stuck in my head and invading my dreams…frustration. And I guess something is going to have to change quickly so I can go to the wedding and at least pretend to be happy for him so no one will know something’s weird between us. What a stupid game. Sorry to whine – I’m frustrated that the pictures, words, etc get stuck in my head again and I feel like I can’t stop reliving it. I’ll stop now and maybe post some pics to balance out the negativity??

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

to be continued...

post coming soon...what a GREAT WEEKEND!! :)

Happy Halloween!

"blue" (blue's clues) and mommy as a hip 50's girl

who doesn't like a parade??!!