Saturday, November 18, 2006

Baby News

I’m finally out of the house (Isaac’s grandpa came and picked him up for some good old “guy time”) and now all I can think of is sleep. I am SO tired…but it’s ok. The real problem is that I haven’t had any caffeine today – fighting the drowsiness and the headache…blah. Anyways…I have news :)

The baby came last Thursday night – at 6:28pm, 5lbs 11oz Elijah Scott Pasley decided it was time to make an appearance. So, life’s been absolutely nuts lately. The baby was born in Maryville, but he had to be transferred to Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis soon after. Dana, unfortunately, had to stay in Maryville because she had a c-section and hadn’t been released yet. Needless to say, she was less than thrilled at the idea of being away from her new little boy who wasn’t doing well. He was having trouble with his heart and lungs. I’ve been working to make connections and get Isaac to different relatives house…and he has stayed with me a couple nights as well…crazy but good. He’s really done well visiting the hospital and being sent to different people’s houses. Well, last night Elijah got to leave the NICU and he’s on a normal floor. They’re even saying he might come home tomorrow!! So, lot’s changing and things are kinda in a state of controlled chaos…but change is good I guess. Hopefully I’ll get to take a pic of him and get it posted soon (though I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who will be excited about it – that’s ok :)

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