Monday, May 29, 2006


"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." James 5:16

-being "priests" to one mom did it for me once when i was about 5 - sometimes i forget about the things she's done for me...-re-assurance - maybe the reason i couldn't sleep back then when i was 5 is the same reason i don't sleep well now...hmmm...what do i do if that's true...something i'm going to have to take more time to think about....(i know that was a whole bunch of words that didn't really say anything in the end - guess i didn't tell the story of the pic...but maybe you've already heard it ...if not ask...just weird to write least tonight it is...moving on...

-things are changing - i'm at a place of "where do i go from here"...stupid questions like: what am i going to do when this happens? who am i going to ask about these kind of things? where am i going to look for these kind of people? who am i going to be to people? what are others going to be to me? how do i make this kind of decision? how do i start over? where do i start starting over - - i'm sure you get the drift...

all my thoughts for tonight...a lot of nothing i guess...

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