Monday, June 12, 2006

"Cows on the Concourse" - only in WI...

so - this is crazy...and could probably take a lot of "wisconsin-ite"/northern teasing for this...but this stuff is FUNNY! here's the deal...there's this thing going on called "Cows on the Concourse." there are these ceramic cows all around capital square...dressed up in cool and ridiculous ways...they're going to be auctioned off to raise money for the united way or something like that. anyways - we had to take some pictures...wish i could have posted more of them...but these will do for now...enjoy.... :)

what? you don't recognize robin yount?? of the Moo-waukee brewers...

is she gonna fit??

yep, guess so...she's ready to get moo-ving...

told you she had horns! (unfortunately this pic also gives her a crown and a wand)...geez...



tried to pretend we were sleeping on the cow like farm kids...but this cow was right outside a restraunt with a bunch of older rich people looking out the window and laughing...just couldn't hold it together...

half-and-half cow


ok - just TRY and tell me those weren't funny ;)

1 comment:

Tiffani P said...

hysterical pics!!!! p.s. in Seattle they had a pig display for years - so I understand the humor and the wondering why!