Wednesday, June 07, 2006

stuck in my head tonight...and too tired to write anything with substance...

again...i think this attempt at posting is going to be a lost cause. i think of things all day long i want to write about...then don't get around to the blog until it's late and i'm tired and not really thinking as clearly. and here it's happened again. i guess i can give a few (sure a "few" will turn into a bunch) bullets on the day (from my head - incomplete thoughts - lots of questions)...

-i keep telling people life at home will probably get better once i get a job and into some sort of schedule/routine...and now i think...maybe i need to get myself into some sort of schedule even without a job (getting up by a certain time, having a to-do list of some sorts, really-anything to get up for in the morning)

-i've been seditary (sp?) for way too long. i played sand volleyball last night and could tell i'm outta shape. you'd never know by looking at me that i played college soccer 8 months ago - i'm really getting soft and heavy...yikes...stressin me out a bit...

-i don't know the different between "resting" and being lazy - i don't "rest" well anyways so i guess it doesn't really matter what the difference is...i feel pretty worthless right purpose...

-why am i in Janesville right now? is there a reason (besides money)? does life get better as time goes on? will i ever get the guts to do something/go somewhere/follow thru with a dream? why am i so "soft" right now - and is there such a thing as "too soft"? (more on that later - i feel pretty wussy tonight)

-who am i? who do i want to be? (how do you even figure out the answer to those two) and after figuring that out - new question - will i make it there?

-why can't i just relax and see what happens? why do i have so many questions?

as you can see - a lot of inside head stuff today...maybe too much...i'm a little overwhelmed. bed i guess...

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