Monday, January 24, 2005

Day of Kids and Learning About the Drama of Potty Training....

kids can really change your attitude. i got to spend a couple of ours with "my kids" today and it was so great! i went over about 10am and knocked on the door. from outside i could here jael yelling..."mo---mmy....someone's here....someone's here....i can't open the door...." this repeated for about 5 minutes before dawn came and unlocked the door. she had forgotten that i was coming. anyways...little mara (15mo old) met me at the door screaming and giggling. i doubt she remembered me because she's too little yet...but she's always excited to have new people around. she was so cute...she showed off a TON. but i was an enthusiastic audience. i hadn't seen here since she started walking...and now she was running EVERYWHERE (mainly in circles til she fell down...hmmm...i wish i were that easily entertained). jael (3 1/2) was sitting on the couch watching Jack Frost on tv and wearing this purple costume. for christmas she had gotten these mix and match dress up princess and butterfly outfits. today she was a princess :) i wish i had been able to get pics ....but those two didn't slow down or stand still the whole 41/2 hours i was there. i got to talk with dawn and catch up on her and adam's life and heard a lot about the troubles of potty training as well....haha....o man. like i said...the kids were great....we ate lunch (jael prayed for our meal and ended up praying "for my jenn to come and play with me and eat food with us...." - it made me smile :) , had a tea party with jael, tried to keep mara from stealing jael's toys and climbing on the table, and before nap time i got to sit with both of them in my lap and read dr.seusse (sp?) books. overall, the most relaxing time i've had in a while. i'm gonna post a couple pics just to brag :)...
love, jenn
p.s. - if you think of it you could pray from me tomorrow...i have to fly back to st.louis tomorrow morning and i really can't take another day of delays. also, i forgot to include a story in my last post. the registrar is trying to tell me i'm missing classes and can't graduate as a religion's all messed up and she's insisting that i have to take classes that aren't even offered anymore. hopefully i can talk to her and get it straightened out as soon as i get back. ok..enough for now...i'm kinda sick.....nite.....

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