Sunday, January 23, 2005

...Ever Seen the Movie "The Terminal?"......

wow...what a weekend it has been. so, have you ever seen the movie "the Terminal?" well, if you have you'll know exactly what i mean when i say i was at the airport so long i considered returning bagage carts for quarters. ok...let me tell you about my saturday....maybe i should back up just a little bit. the last couple of days this week were kinda stressful. thursday everything kind of came to a head - i reached my limits as far as stress goes and had a minor breakdown-ish moment. luckily leah lent me some time thursday night (i'm sure she'd planned to go to bed much earlier) and we had a good talk. friday i was still a bit overwhelmed but trying to hold things together....that night i worked until 8pm and then james and i went back to my apt. i had cleaned all day but had a few odds and ends to take care of before my new roomie showed up. well, beth showed up at about 845 and the craziness began. she and kit (he goes to gc...but i don't remember his last name....) both spent last semester at martha's vineyard. yeah, she brought 3 guitarrs and other various music junk things. basically...she's the living, breathing, walking definition of EMO. o well, she transfered from Cornerstone and i'm sure she'll fit in with the rest of the CCMers here. she seems nice so far...doesn't really say very much...but it could work out. i'm still holding out hope. so....the night ended up being really long...she and kit went out til around 330 and then she stumbled in and took a shower. needless to say, i didn't sleep very much friday night. but it was ok...i was all ready to get going on this whole flying home deal.

sorry...interrupted by a phonecall - definately going to turn into another post soon....

so...i left for the airport around 8 and got there around 9. my first flight, to minneapolis, was supposed to leave at 1040. then i was supposed to wait for a 1256 flight to madison. well, check in was a lot easier than i expected and i ended up with a little over an hour to wait. no big deal's where the 'fun' began. everytime we came within 20 min of boarding time...we got delayed. in the end, i changed flights 4 times (strange at first because i had never had to change plans at the airport, never missed a flight or had huge delays before). so, my 1040 flight was cancelled and the new flight i was put on was delayed until 130. it was all getting ridiculous and feeling sick. i tried to take a nap and i had plenty of reading material...but couldn't really get into it. the delays were supposed to be weather related...but it was hard to understand because there was sunshine in St.louis. at 120 they announced that the plan had been here for 2 hours..but the crew was stuck (with everything elses) in detroit. they ended up calling back a crew at their hotel and having them fly us to MN. we finally boarded at 3pm - at this time i had spent 6 LONG hours in the airport. the connection from MN to WI was much easier and i finally made it home around 830. what a day! i haven't been so glad to make it home in a long time. so, needless to say, i might need a little more time before i'll be excited about stepping foot in an airport...but i guess i'd better hurry up about it so i can fly back on tuesday.

the snow here is great though! we have SO much...definately glad i didn't drive up here.....i'll post a couple pics in a few minutes. the least amount you can find around here is 2 1/2 feet...and some of the drifts are up to my shoulders. it'll make tomorrow a little more fun. i'm going over to the Wanninger's for lunch tomorrow....yay! i CAN"T wait to see my girls :) dawn (their mom) said we can go play in the snow for a little bit in the should be great and hopefully i'll have some fun pics from that time as well. ok...time to switch topics i, talk about a mood swing...i would feel bad venting in the middle of a post that is more of an example of weirdness than frustration.

well...everyone on vacation....i hope you're having a great time. and if you're up north like me...don't worry...we'll dig ourselves out of this white tundra somehow. can't wait to see ya tuesday (well...most of you)...

love, jenn

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