Friday, December 15, 2006

WARNING: Do NOT Get Your Hair Cut At Trade Secret In O'Fallon

first, a question - anyone decide to upgrade their blog to the new beta? what do you think about it?

whelp - just a quick post for now. today is my first day off! i hardly know what to do with myself. i decided to go to o'fallon (mall, haircut, borders, panera) and check on my car sometime in there (o car's broken - the mechanic i took it to doesn't seem to know what he's doing and i just found out the "little bit expensive" electrical part he ordered for me didn't fix the problem and it can't be sold back to the parts store - and they still don't know what's wrong with the car - ugh! frustrating!) ...well...i made it to the mall and wasn't in a shopping mood - but no problem...i headed to get my haircut. i don't know what possesed me to do it, but i went to a new place...and it was bad. the girl cut my hair with a crooked part (didn't realize til she was done), it took REALLY long to cut (which never happens - it's not a hard style)...she just kept cutting and cutting and cutting trying to get both sides even - little bit of a disaster. so now my hair is ok but not great - little weird - and i have a TON of little hairs poking me (she didn't really have the smock on right). by this time i wanted to get out of the mall asap and out of o'fallon if possible. borders was skipped (sad day!) and i made it panera (yay free internet). so here i sit...trying to relax, trying to figure out what to do about my car, christmas, and the kiddos (relaxing and thinking don't mix) and it's not really helping. so - below is a pic update (pretty much all i'm up for) and a better one will come later. for now i guess i'm gonna cut out early...maybe i'll see if sue's at jo's or if lori gaffner is heading to a movie tonight (found out she goes to movies by herself a lot of fridays - met her there a couple weeks ago and had a blast sitting with her - maybe that's a good option for tonight?) anyways - hope you're having a fantastic break, day, whatever...
love, jenn

Baby Elijah - 1 Mo Old Tomorrow :)

despite his rough start on life - baby Elijah is doing really well...he's up to 6lbs6oz! so great :) he's changing everyday so i thought it was time for a pic update...though by the time i get the chance to post he has gone and changed again...that's ok - i'm continue to play catch-up.
wide awake!

i look like a giant

do i look like a "mom" yet?


The Big Freeze!!

the temp dropped from 60 something to 28 overnight...and this is what we ended up with. lots of knocked out power, bitter cold, and cranky people. i was staying with sam at the filby's when the storm hit and power went was pretty freaky...did i ever tell you i'm afraid of the dark?! (ask me about the story of that's a funny one) well, daylight revealed the beauty of the ice...and it almost made things better. these pics are from 3 days after the storm...a lot of ice for being the end of a 3 day thaw :)

tree branches

part of the tree infront of Snyder Hall down from the weight of the ice

the bridge on the way to my house...

grass - like suspended animation

The "Green" Park :)

one absolutely perfect "park-weather" day before the big freeze! we took full advantage of it and spent literally HOURS at Patriot's (a.k.a - the green park) - he was in a FABULOUS mood (i treasure these times :)

"look - i don't need any help" :)

"made it!"
"i'm ready"

seriously - could he be any cuter?!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Welcome Home Elijah!

Elijah was released from the hospital today and got to come home right before I left for Thanksgiving break. So much to be thankful for today!

5lb9oz, 17in, and look at that hair!! (it sort of poofs out and makes him look a little eccentric...hehe) so cute :)

don't get the wrong idea - he loves his new baby brother - but we caught him rolling his eyes while his dad was trying to instruct him on how to hold the baby

ahh - the men in my precious!...who could ask for anything more?

Sunday, November 19, 2006

"Thanksgiving Tipping Point"

Whelp, God’s gift to me today was a butt-kicking sermon (check it out - "Thanksgiving Tipping Point" at Now, sometimes you hear that sort of stuff and it’s real heavy and just makes you feel crappy, and other times it just blows right past you because you feel like everything and everyone has been hammering at that same sore spot. This was different. In it was almost a confirmation – and even though it was a sort of “hit you over the head moment,” there was some relief there too. Anyways…here’s the deal…

Pastor Doug began with Luke 14:18-33 – the first part of that is the story of the man who planned this great banquet, when he invited people to attend they gave him all these excuses and things they had to do first. He said “come” and they said “I will…but first I have to…” The second part of those verses is where Jesus talks about ‘counting the cost’ – how a builder would not jump into construction without figuring out if he has enough to finish the job…AND if he does start the job without counting the cost…will he quit mid-way thru if he found he was running low on materials? Another part was a king going into battle and whether or not he considers whether he has enough men to defeat the opposing army. Anyways – the theme was counting the cost and all that entails.

The question posed is…is Jesus telling us to count the cost and see if we’re going to make it and if we find that we are lacking too much to quit/not start at all? The answer (according to the sermon) – is no. Jesus is not telling us to ‘play it safe’…he is asking us to consider our resolve, not our resources. Pastor Doug then went on to talk about how we sometimes find ourselves in these situations where we are having to face a cost we never knew would be so much – more than we “intended” to lose. There’s our time of choice. And here’s a good quote – “it’s not until we give beyond our means that we’ll experience the miraculous provision of God.”

Well, there’s a lot there to process (at least in my head there is)…don’t think I really have enough coherent thoughts on it to post anything person…but I’ll get back to it later.


Saturday, November 18, 2006

Baby News

I’m finally out of the house (Isaac’s grandpa came and picked him up for some good old “guy time”) and now all I can think of is sleep. I am SO tired…but it’s ok. The real problem is that I haven’t had any caffeine today – fighting the drowsiness and the headache…blah. Anyways…I have news :)

The baby came last Thursday night – at 6:28pm, 5lbs 11oz Elijah Scott Pasley decided it was time to make an appearance. So, life’s been absolutely nuts lately. The baby was born in Maryville, but he had to be transferred to Cardinal Glennon Hospital in St. Louis soon after. Dana, unfortunately, had to stay in Maryville because she had a c-section and hadn’t been released yet. Needless to say, she was less than thrilled at the idea of being away from her new little boy who wasn’t doing well. He was having trouble with his heart and lungs. I’ve been working to make connections and get Isaac to different relatives house…and he has stayed with me a couple nights as well…crazy but good. He’s really done well visiting the hospital and being sent to different people’s houses. Well, last night Elijah got to leave the NICU and he’s on a normal floor. They’re even saying he might come home tomorrow!! So, lot’s changing and things are kinda in a state of controlled chaos…but change is good I guess. Hopefully I’ll get to take a pic of him and get it posted soon (though I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who will be excited about it – that’s ok :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Presenting....Gary and Stacie White

this weekend i went home for Gary and Stacie's wedding. it was SO GREAT!! i'm not sure i've ever been so excited to see two people get married. they prove that waiting for the "perfect" match is worth matter how long you have to wait :)

He Giveth and Giveth and Giveth Again...

heard a speaker mention this poem/hymn a few weeks ago and it's stuck with me for a while now...this is a good time to be reminded...

"He Giveth More Grace" by Annie J. Flint

He giveth more grace as our burdens grow greater,
He sendeth more strength as our labors increase;
To added afflictions He addeth His mercy,
To multiplied trials he multiplies peace.

When we have exhausted our store of endurance,
When our strength has failed ere the day is half done,
When we reach the end of our hoarded resources
Our Father’s full giving is only begun.

His love has no limits, His grace has no measure,
His power no boundary known unto men;
For out of His infinite riches in Jesus
He giveth, and giveth, and giveth again.

quick update...

A little update…

Isaac has had 3 pretty good days this week – and I’m VERY proud of him!! Unfortunately, some life stuff is distracting me and I need to give him more encouragement and praise for being good. I still don’t feel like I known where my outlets or who my friends are around here…like, who do I call or go to when crappy stuff is happening at home or where something from the past comes back and knocks me down? How to I give “honest,” “real” prayer requests to my women’s bible study group when they don’t really know much about me and I’m afraid of what they will think of me or who they’ll tell? What if I really open up to them and they decide to tell Scott or Dana that I shouldn’t be taking care of their son? This is sort of heavy on my heart tonight because Wednesday is bible study morning. I don’t know. I feel like I have 2 different lives. The one that happens with Isaac and the one that I have to put off and “stuff” until night time (when, lately, my body doesn’t let me forget about it anymore – I’ve woken up every morning at 3am for the past 2 1/2 weeks)…anyways…this is the latest frustration. I’ll give you the summary because I’m sure no one really wants to know the details…but my heart aches…

Yet again, I find myself frustrated and upset by the reality that life isn’t always “fair” like I’d like it to be. I mean, I know “ultimately” I shouldn’t want life to be “fair” because I’m a sinner like everyone else – but I’ve sort of been smacked in the face with a situation that stirs up anger in me that I had stuffed away and forgot was there. I’m supposed to be happy and excited for this former “friend” of mine who’s getting another chance at marriage (it hasn’t even been a year since his wife died) – instead, I’m mad that this person, who hurt me and added another spot on my past that will influence my relationship with my future husband, gets a SECOND chance to get married and have a happy life– something I’ve kinda been struggling with lately (being single). Anyways, I don’t know what to do. I thought I was over the situation that happened, but I’m obviously not. It’s back stuck in my head and invading my dreams…frustration. And I guess something is going to have to change quickly so I can go to the wedding and at least pretend to be happy for him so no one will know something’s weird between us. What a stupid game. Sorry to whine – I’m frustrated that the pictures, words, etc get stuck in my head again and I feel like I can’t stop reliving it. I’ll stop now and maybe post some pics to balance out the negativity??

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

to be continued...

post coming soon...what a GREAT WEEKEND!! :)

Happy Halloween!

"blue" (blue's clues) and mommy as a hip 50's girl

who doesn't like a parade??!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

ramble... ramble...

Getting too overwhelmed lately and sort of lost in myself…I’m trying to dive back into being busy, and specifically church things…that’s good stuff to get involved in and gets me out and with people…right? Well, the women’s bible study has been SO good for me to go to. I get to drop off Isaac, where he has a lot of fun with his friends…and I get to talk to people who know what I’m dealin with. They never minimize what I’m struggling with, tell me about how they can relate from their past experiences and then advice about how they got thru it. So yeah, I don’t know them real well, and they don’t really know me…but I think I might want to keep feeling things out and risking it a little more each week. I don’t know…

I realized Sunday that there’s more going on with me than just being overwhelmed by my job…there’s something more that needs to change…I need to change and knock away at some old crap I thought I was done with. Someone had a picture for me on Sunday and it really made sense to me. I have some stuff to pray about in regard to certain aspects of the picture…but I’ve been struggling to stay focused and quiet myself enough to hear. I’m REAL distracted and there’s a lot of noise going on in my head…anyways – if you think about it – I’d appreciate prayer. Ok…well, I’ve spent PLENTY of time on here…I should go for now.

O, and I almost forgot…I GET TO GO HOME TOMORROW!! WOOHOO!! I’m not sure I’ve ever been this excited to spend the weekend with my fam :) it’s going to be a short trip ( I get done watching Isaac around 430 and will have to be back around 6pm Sunday…but it will be good. I wish the youth group was going to be around…but this weekend is convention…it’ll be enough to be in my own bed :)

All for now…


Mike and Shelly's Wedding

whelp, i wanted to post pics of my cousin's wedding a while ago...and since this is my one night in three weeks i've had more than a few mins to they was BEAUTIFUL and made me sad that i don't know my extended family very well...i'm working on fixing that...

what a BEAUTIFUL day!!

my cousin mike and his new bride shelly :)

cousin LeeAnn and her daughter Macey (Macey's had a LOT of red punch tonight)

bestman - my cousin steve...partyin it up :)

4 weeks...still employed...and still alive :)

let me begin with a quick note: i've been pretty frustrated lately...but...i DO love my new place, the Pasley's are REALLY good to me, and i love Isaac too...just so ya know...

o, and wanted some here ya go! :)

Whelp, I guess week #4 is coming to an end. I can’t believe I’ve been working her almost a month now. In some ways the time had totally flown by…and in other ways each day feels REALLY long. It’s been a while since I posted anything of substance…so maybe I’ll give some recaps of the highlights and lowlights of the past couple weeks….

-First week - my first weekend in Greenville was “little pig and apple days.” I was still trying to settle in and hadn’t made a whole lot of connections with people…so I went with the Pasley family. Scott’s kids, Dalton (8) and Kennedy(6), Dana’s parents, Dana’s sister, Isaac and I all headed into town (that’s so funny to say – “heading into town”…haha). Anyways…there were new experiences like sweet potato fries and pepper jelly…and funny stuff like trying to keep an eye on Isaac to make sure he didn’t drop-trow in public :) (we were successful twice – but when ya gotta go, ya gotta go I guess)…then we all headed back for his birthday party. There, I met the rest of the family…what a crew! A little awkward…but fun.

-Second week – my second week was relatively calm and for a second I thought I had a pretty good handle on things. I was trying really hard to get everything balanced out (and personally doing a pretty poor job of it)….so I was real tired and reaching my quota of alone/no-adult-convo time…getting pretty lonely. So, I joined the women’s biblestudy – more on that to come.

- Week three – this is when the real craziness started. I thought by the end of the second week that the time of Isaac testing me and testing boundaries was over. Man, I was SO WRONG! This was the worst – I spent lots and lots of time trying to tune out screaming and crying (I have a lot more patience than I thought I had)…by the end of the week his tactics had changed…he just got ornery. Thursday and Friday everything came to a head. Thursday we had out first little “war” over nap time…not that I didn’t have to work to get him down the other days…but this day was different…things were weird. He started getting out of bed and instead of sneaking around or running away…he made sure to find me and let me know he was not going to stay in bed. I put him back in bed for 2 hours. At one point, I was standing at the doorway and could hear him talking to himself (?)…saying things like “I’m supposed to stay in bed…what? You say I should get out of bed…ok….good idea.” I asked him who he was talking to and he said, “Roger.” Whelp – come to find out…he now has developed an imaginary friend…one who tells him to do bad things…it got a little weird that day. He started talking over his shoulder while I was still in the room…discussing with Roger ways to get around me…he said things like…”that didn’t work…I should try getting out the other side of the bed? Ok…good idea…I’ll try that.” I tried to talk to him about making “good choices”…and he said “Roger doesn’t like your choices. He says you choices are wrong. He doesn’t like you and said he’s gonna get you.” Ahh…a little creepy! I talked to his parents about it and they said that a couple months ago he talked about “a guy” and how they’d be doing something like going down the stairs and Isaac would make them stop and “let the guy go down first.” Roger hasn’t shown up must since then…just occasionally…but…I don’t know what to do about him in the future…

Anyways – Friday was just as bad. Everything was a fight or a crisis…lots of tears…but the tears stopped at nap time. Instead, he got out of bed again and again…laughing and just trying to get a rise out of me. After about 45 mins he asked me to lay down with him and hold him. I finally said “yes” because I just wanted him to stay in bed. So, I laid down with him and told him I was going to sleep – closed my eyes and tried to be still…had my arm around him a little. As soon as I was there he started pushing and kicking…finally said “let go!” and thru himself backwards…our heads connected (I didn’t see it coming – eyes closed)…and I thought I was going to have to go to the doctor. My head hurt so bad and I felt sick…bad deal…but Isaac didn’t seem to notice. I put him back in bed for another half an hour, finally sitting on the bed next to him and cried a little…I couldn’t help it…my head hurt and I was frustrated…he looked at me, laughed, and turned over and went to sleep. AH! Made me so mad! Well, I told his mom and she gave him a snack and said he needed to try to be a better listener…and that was it…no consequences. I almost quit…

- whelp, I didn’t quit…and now I’m here at week 4…it’s been a little better. Last weekend was Homecoming and the first time I really felt like Alumni. I played in the alum soccer game (made me feel old and I’m DEFINITELY out of shape) which was fun…and saw two heartbreaking losses for the men’s and women’s teams that afternoon. Saw lots of good and no so good people from the past…and in the end…Jenyne and Wendell surprised me! I ended up going out with them and Ray and her fiancé - it was a blast and good to have time with friends from the past…in some ways it was like old times…and I liked that we could get back to that :) Sunday night was crazy but good – more on that later…and last night was the “fab 5” birthday party. The are 5 boys at the FM where were born in the month of October, so there parents have been throwing a little combined party for them each year. It was good, cake, lots of juice, balloons, and some little $1 presents (always turn out to be the fav.). today it’s cold and rainy and we haven’t gotten the chance to run off all our energy…so he’s up early from his nap (which means I didn’t get a nap :( but I did get time to write which is good. Tonight I’m hoping to get out and away for a little bit…if this is posted tonight I guess I will have made it out alive :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

smiley guy - at least for the moment :) look at those LONG eyelashes on those great big beautiful blue eyes...haha...

hee hee...


trains and buzz lightyear pj's couldn't get any sweeter...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

post coming's being stupid and a bad 2 days...i quit for tonight...

Saturday, October 14, 2006

pics of the new place...

the view out my livingroom window :)




livingroom (view from the kitchen)

livingroom (view from the stairs)

pics coming real soon...but i forgot my camera back at the house...i'd go get it except i'm on my way to cheer on the women's soccer team and only had a couple mins to get online (man, did i ever get so sucked into the internet?? i have almost NO time for it now...hahah...excellent...)
p.s. - raenelle...shoot me an email or comment or something...want to know how things are going for ya (i was a little confused by your last two posts...the poems are great but i could use some words ya :) i'll be around this weekend if ya need/want to call.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Whelp – it’s been a week and a half since I started my new job here in Greenville…in some ways things are going better and in other ways I feel more lost than ever. I’m starting to get used to being a part of a new family. It was REAL strange at first because I felt like I was almost invading their space (I didn’t know them before I moved in). but now, I guess I’m getting more comfortable sharing space, food, stuff like that. I’m still a little awkward when it comes to evenings. I’m never sure how to act when they come home and take over. On one hand, I’d love to leave right away and go into town to find friends. On the other hand, I don’t want to insult them and disappear every time I’m “off duty”…I also don’t know how to act when I stick around and hang out with them for the evening…it’ll get better I’m sure.

Anyways – personally… I’m feeling pretty lost. The summer was SO long and being without a job really took a toll on me (and I let things slide). Everything just got sort of messy, I made compromises …pretty much I feel like I took some steps backwards…and I hate that. Sometimes I think ‘what the heck is wrong with me? Why do I do these things I don’t want to do?’ I mean, I used to have some major self control…over to the extreme end. I didn’t have any problems not feeling what I didn’t want to feel, not letting anyone bother me, not doing anything I didn’t want to …I don’t know…sometimes I wonder how I jumped from one extreme to the other…and which one is worse?

Well, all I now is that things need to change. I feel like I’m in a hole again…and I’m not sure where to start to get myself out of it. Though, I was reminded the other day that you can only worry about the ‘right now’ and try to get it right…instead of worrying about how many time I will or won’t have messed up from now to whenever.

I guess I figured out one place to start is working on how I spend my “time off.” I need to find ways during my week to get recharged…or at least keep myself out of trouble. I started yesterday by calling a mom I knew (I used to baby sit for a small group on weds. Mornings) and asked about joining the small group she is involved in. She told me I could come and drop Isaac off at the nursery and catch a ride with one of the moms. Now, I thought it was specifically a “mom” group…but I guess it’s a women’s group that happens to be made up of moms…but they said I’m going thru the same sort of challenges as a nanny and that they’d love to have a new perspective. So, it’s final…I’m going to be a part of their group. It’s helps to have some adult women to talk to, to ask questions, and Isaac loves getting to play with his friends in the nursery…works out for everyone (plus, if he’s good, we get to go to McDonalds with the other moms :) I’m also working on maybe spending some more time with people from church…but I haven’t gotten up the nerve to ask people for time yet…baby steps…

Thursday, October 05, 2006

*edit* - let me just say, I’m posting these after writing them at home during “nap time” – I was pretty tired and sometimes pretty frustrated by then – so I can’t promise everything will make sense or won’t be crazy…but at least it’s an update…right??

Well, I’m finally getting a chance to write. It would have happened a lot earlier but we don’t have wireless internet yet (so I have to drive to campus to post) and these first couple days I’ve been SO tired that by the time 430 comes I’m pretty much useless…I can’t even think straight. Adjusting to my new job/life in Greenville is proving a bit more difficult than I expected. I knew that things would be different, but I guess I assumed that I’d be so excited to be back “home” that everything would fit together easily. That’s not how it’s going so far. Let me try to explain…here’s a recap of the past couple days:

(wait a minute, I have to take a second to tell how much I love BBC-America…seriously, British humor is my favorite…so dry…the punch-line always left understated or not out-right mentioned…o man…the show on right now is “Keeping Up Appearances” – and I’m having to try so hard to contain my laughter so as not to wake Isaac up…ahh – it’s the highlight of my day…ok – moving on)

So, I moved to Greenville on Saturday – pretty much just moved boxes into the Pasley’s house, met Scott’s other children (Kennedy and Dalton – they come and stay every other weekend), and hung out with the fam.). Sunday I went to church (which was fantastic – mainly because I feel like I “belong” there), did some final shopping with my parents before they headed back to Janesville, met with Scott and Dana to get they’re expectations/rules/advice, and ended the evening at the Filby’s (which felt somewhat awkward – but was still good). And now we come to the first day of nanny-ing.

Well, I had gotten a heads-up from some people (including Scott and Dana) – that when Isaac doesn’t get what he wants he tends to throw huge fits – they’ve decided not to spank, do time-out, or any of that stuff…so they just wait out the tantrum and deal with him when he’s calm again. I don’t know what I was expecting (maybe I thought that I’d be able to keep a handle on things better than other people – stupid pride) but I got a wake-up call Monday. I had NO idea that a child could yell, scream, cry, kick, throw themselves around, and say the same three words over and over and over again for a little over an HOUR straight. Wow. I knew it would be real bad to give in to him…especially the first day…but after 45 mins or so…I started to wonder if I was doing the right thing. And so, now I’m learning new ways to be kind, but firm…and not take words so personally. Learning other stuff too…but those are the main things.

But really, on the other hand, Isaac can also turn around and suddenly be the sweetest, most generous child I’ve ever seen. He’s adorable and says some of the funniest things I’ve heard in a long time. I’m getting used to our new “family breakfast deal” (decided to all meet for breakfast everyday at the same time…good, but early)…at the same time, I’ve started to look forward to Isaac running down the stairs to come let me know it’s time to come up :)

Another highlight involves sleep. Everyone knows I have trouble sleeping a lot…well, I finally have a job that makes me absolutely exhausted by the end of the day. It is such a blessing to be tired, knowing that it’s because I actually did something instead of being tired out of boredom. Also, I haven’t taken a nap in at least 6 years…when it’s hard to sleep at night its pretty much a given that naps don’t happen either. Well, my first day being a nanny, I got Isaac down for a nap and pretty much passed-out on the couch…really I’m taking my “nap time” right now to write this…otherwise I’d probably be ‘out’ today too :) so nice!

Friday, September 29, 2006

this morning there was a principal shot by a former Wisconsin...a little less than 2 hours away. we've had a lot of prank/harassing calls lately - we all know dad's a pretty tough teacher (so not exactly people's favorite), but this is his last year teaching...and today i wish he'd just retire early and come home right now - a whole year seems kinda long when you hear about this stuff...

Thursday, September 28, 2006


So, I can’t relate to the beginning part…but I love the middle…pretty much Natalie Grant is my favorite right now….

Natalie Grant \ Held

Two months is too little.
They let him go.
They had no sudden healing.
To think that providence would
Take a child from his mother while she prays
Is appalling.

Who told us we'd be rescued?
What has changed and why should we be saved from nightmares?
We're asking why this happens
To us who have died to live?
It's unfair.

This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we'd be held.

This hand is bitterness.
We want to taste it, let the hatred numb our sorrow.
The wise hand opens slowly to lilies of the valley and tomorrow.


Bridge2: If hope is born of suffering. If this is only the beginning. Can we not wait for one hour watching for our Savior?


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The New Wheels

whelp - i am currently mourning the loss of my mustang :( a friend of mine found an awesome deal on a car for me...and...well, mom and dad decided they didn't want mel to feel like she alwas gets the hand-me-downs so they decided to buy the car and give it to her. i was a little upset at first...but after a little bit i got REAL excited to give her the car. dad decided to surprise her when she came home for the weekend. long story short...we surprised her and she hated it...after much yelling and gave her my mustang (with the promise of selling it in a few moths to get something else) and gave me the car that will be (for the kids i'll be watching) more "appropriate" and "responsible"....blah.... on the good side, this car is in GREAT condition. its a 1990 olds eighty-eight royal...but it only has 67,000 miles on it and the inside is in perfect's's just not the mustang :( i'm sure i'll start to own the car soon...just hasn't happened yet.

SCCC Youth Group Update

whelp - here was a new ice breaker i'd never heard of...but i liked it. everyone was split into 4 teams (middle girls/middle boys/srhigh girls/srhigh guys), given 2 rolls of duct tape - the object was to choose one team member and tape them to the wall. whoever stays up the longest wins :)





raenelle on her way to the "win" :) yep...she's on my team...haha

My New Address :)

not as impressive from the back (unless you're me and get impressed easily by things with more than one story - sad but true) - but to get a pic from the front you've gotta take it from the water :)

haha - i now live on Sunrise cool is that?? this is like (to me) one of those houses i couldn't dream of ever getting to live in...and i get the WHOLE BASEMENT apartment to myself!! WOOHOO! o yeah - did i ever give the details of this arangement?? free apt, utilities, food, use of boat/jetski/etc, and a little bit of cash every month. seriously - i'm not sure how much better the physical arangement could be :)

Here We Go - Back Up and Running :)

Ok – Hi :) So, I’ve had a new computer for a week now…and no writing. I apologize – I’m working on fixing that right now – but I don’t know how it’s gonna go. We’ll see – no more promises of “things to come” …playin it by ear.

So, I thought the easiest way to start this whole update deal is probably with pictures. I think it’s gonna take me a little bit to get back into the swing of things and get to some good stories. So, here goes…I guess the biggest news right now is about my new job. I didn’t get the Epic job and was pretty crushed when I found out. Honestly, I didn’t even have an answer or something planned out to say in the event that they didn’t give me the job. I was unprepared…and that NEVER happens…well, I try to not let it happen anyways. But yeah, they told me know and I stammered out something stupid about “appreciating” them getting back to me. I don’t know. But, anyways, that night I talked to some people about my new job-less and option-less state and they were sympathetic. And that was nice. But, it didn’t stop there. Instead, I got a phone call the next day from my friend Sue. She told me the family that offered me a nanny job back in July (when I was SO SURE I had the Epic job) was still looking for someone and still wanted to talk to me. Long story short…I went to their house (the whole situation ended up being REAL comical which made things more relaxed I guess…thank Isaac:) and …So, I’m moving back to Greenville in 3 days. I’m going to take an online masters class – towards my MSW (it’s good enough to keep me on insurance which will be a big blessing – and really it looks like it’ll be pretty interesting).

So, that brings up a little stress here in the life of me. I’m excited to be moving back to Greenville – and afraid all at the same time. I don’t know – besides the somewhat “normal” fears about not being good at the job or not liking the job, I’m also worried about other stuff – stupid I’m sure…but I’ll lay a little bit of it out. Here are the main questions in my head – what if I can’t deal with life and not go back to old ways in this new situation? How do I find accountability (really – the last time sort of just fell in my lap)? Logistics about being a nanny – how to get into a routine, do’s/don’ts/etc…How am I going to figure it out? Am I pathetic for moving back to Greenville (is it a step backwards)? And some relationships are a little weird with a couple GC people – I don’t know what I did wrong or how to fix things – I’ve asked but they won’t talk to me about it…so…what to do there? How do I follow thru with people long distance (leaving in the middle of someone else’s crisis – how to “be there” when I’m not physically there”)?

Guess that’s most of it. I don’t know – guess I’m just sad…and that makes me feel stupid. I finally get what I thought I wanted (to leave and go back to “safe” Greenville – but I’m not sure it’s “safe” anymore) and now I’m not sure I want what I’m getting. Does that make sense? Who knows – I’m sure once I get down there things will calm down and I’ll settle in – though I wish I knew the family I’m living with a little better. I’ve heard they’re great people – and I’m sure they are – but I’m a little afraid they won’t like me or things will be “weird.” Guess it’s not going to change anything. I mean, I’ve committed to coming…so that’s what I’m going to do – I’m just scared of the unknown I guess….


Thursday, September 07, 2006

promise an update to come...but right now our home computer has been KIA and i'm left to the library (that restricts basically anything and everything) if i can get to another one a REAL update will happen...we'll see...
news to come: job/moving with my camp girls at church-miracle story :)
4.whatever else i can come up with that won't bore people to death...


Friday, August 25, 2006

the NO...

i don't know what happen...

don't know what i did wrong...

all i know is Epic "decided to go a different direction" real explaination...

my parents think i didn't get it because i'm not a guy (they'd have to travel with me every other week - not that i think about it...i didn't actually meet a woman in the position i was applying for - could that really have happened?)

a lot of time and hard work...2 1/2 months down the drain...

i was SO sure...

and apparantly i was SO wrong...

right now i have no other options...and i'm going to have to go home to more "nothing"...

i don't know what to say...


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

brew crew :)

off to a brewer's game in milwaukee!! the fam decided to make this the last full family thing to do before mel leaves for school. and....the brewers may ever WIN this game (i've never gone to a brewer's game where they've won) - but we don't really go to see them win anyways...the stadium's sweet...whole and stories to come :) GO BREW CREW!!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Spencer Lake Christian Camp

my girls from camp called me up a couple days ago and have decided they want to get together next week and hang out. i can't believe these are the same girls who i was sure hated me at the beginning of camp - what a blessing...i realized i hadn't posted about here's a quick summary...

i agreed to be a camp counselor for a week - at a camp i didn't know and for girls from a church other than my home church. i was real nervous about the whole deal...and when i got greatest fears were confirmed (i thought). the girls told me that i had been given the worst cabin, that last year they made their counselor's time so bad she swore she'd never come back, and said, "if you're smart you won't fall asleep" - - YIKES!! i wanted to go home...was sure i'd never make it. the week ended up being AMAZING. by the second day we were all getting along really well, had gotten to know each other, and i even got to pray for them during the service time. crazy. they became some good friends and i was so blessed to be their counselor. by the end i figured out why (i think) God specifically put our group together. i know what it's like to be misunderstood and need a second chance - and also being afraid that God wouldn't want to risk giving another chance to someone who might mess it up. a couple of them had that fear and i was able to speak the same encouragement i felt God was giving me about that sort of stuff in my own life. i was talking to our youth pastor Jason about life and he said that he keeps thinking about a specific verse when we talk...i've never thought about a "life verse(s)" but he said he thinks i should consider these verses from 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which produces in you patient endurance of the same sufferings we suffer. And our hope for you is firm, because we know that just as you share in our sufferings, so also you share in our comfort."

anyways - so many changes that week. tought outer shells broken thru, people who said not to expect them to participate because they'd be sleeping most of the day showing up and cheering and participating, girls who were/are very VERY different defending each other. God showed up and the time was SO good - and i'm blessed to be able to remember it today - even though it was weeks ago. a lot of times i forget the times when God showed up in a big way when i couldn't see good coming from a bad situation...but now it's written down and i'll be able to look are pics of my cabin :)

the last day...sad to leave (but you'll notice...this time we're all smiling :)
(l to r - nicole, elise, heather, me, danyele, leighann, shannon)

LeighAnn and Danyele


Spencer Lake



"the tattoo" - they saw me doodling in my journal...thought it was cool...and insisted i draw it (with a sharpe marker of course - i was sure i'd get in trouble...this is church camp!) on everyone's righ forearm so people would know who's cabin they were in :) what a compliment!!

paper airplane presentation

whelp - i don't have enough time to really tell you about the presentation - other to say that it went really well...i'll give more detail later...but here are some pics of the report i put together for each epic employee that attended the presentation. not too bad if i do say so myself - wish i had put that much effort in for some of my college work...o well...


facts about flight, plane add-ons, and trouble-shooting (extra pages)

folding directions (pg1 of 2 - gotta love microsoft publisher - makes drawing SO much easier :)

fun paper for folding

the planes :)