Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Almost A Sigh of Relief

quick note of the evening....and this time it actually will be quick. thought during and right after break that i was going to fail two classes this semester...totally stressed out about it...talked to both of my profs. one of the classes - it's gonna be ok (i have a TON of work to do in these last 2 weeks - but it CAN be done) the second class...there's a little less good news here than the last one...but all is not lost. i have a meeting with my prof thursday morning...and if i can present a little work to her there...she'll let me change topics and try to make up all the work before semester's end. all of that is to say...i'm sick and tired...but there is hope for fixing things in the crazy world of academia which makes me VERY happy. so...everything's not fixed yet...but i am going to try to be satisfied with a little hope and a yet again being extended a ton of grace....
back to work i guess....
love ya guys - thanks for putting up with my horrible attitude as of late... :)

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