Monday, November 08, 2004

Whew...Monday's Almost Over....

I'm exhausted..but I think I'm kinda getting addicted to this thing. Well...maybe we'll try to make this a quick one...but no promises...

Today was incredibly busy. All I did was run from one place to another; showing up less than prepared in most cases. I made it through the crazy schedule..but I'm not sure I accomplished much. I did have a meeting today that went a lot better than I had even hoped that was good. More and more I'm reminded that God's timing is excellent and am starting to see that maybe he IS going to use a little person like me...anyways, this is only becoming rambling isn't really going to go anywhere so I'm just gonna lay out a few random thoughts....kinda things I have realized that frustrate me right now.....

-There are oppertunities or things I want to be involved in but I am afraid to ask about them and don't know if it's even my place to get involved

-There are people I want to get to know better but don't know how to approach them because to me they seem way cooler than I am

-I don't know how to balance school and life at this point. I don't want to miss out on important things with some of my relationships...but at the same time I need to graduate...but those two don't seem to want to work together at the moment. I feel less like my purpose of being at GC right now is academics and more like it has to do with 'relationships.'----Cop-out????

-There are certain areas where I really want to learn more and people I want to learn more from....but I don't know how to ask to be taught.

Athoughts??? - - - o thought of the night....maybe if I'm gonna ask for comments I should actually give out the link to this need sleep

Niters ! - love, Jenn

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