Saturday, November 20, 2004

Little Note - More to Come

well, i know that i really need to update this thing. ..i know i hate it when people don't update these things - i check them way to regularly and get disappointed when i don't have a new story to read...haha....i need a life... but i have been delinquent as of late because i've been too busy or life has gotten a little too personal to share here. (believe me...i kept you from having to hear a whole lot of unnecessary whining and pity-parties...hopefully i'm over that for now :) anyways, jame's little sister katie is here for the weekend. so, i'm not sure how much time i'll have to write today. but as always, i have stuff to say. mainly i have some thoughts on today's cor discussion (side note - who thought it was a good idea to have a class 8am on a saturday morning?!) today's topic was the decline in education, parental roles, the 'dumbing of today's children', voucher system, private vs public schooling. yeah, controversial to say the least. most of the time i sit in cor and zone out - not really caring about the discussion at all. today, however, i found myself passionately opinionated - although, as you might have already guessed, i didn't exactly speak up in the discussion...thus the reason for the next post.

anyways, i've got to hurry up and shower, get directions, eat with the roomie (trying to be loving...blah...haha...i need to change my attitude) and get ready to do a little "entertaining." don't get me wrong...i love it that jame's sister is hanging out for the weekend - she's great! but i just feel really drained. i need a break. o well - i think we're heading to stl for a while - maybe hit up the city museum (never been there but heard it's quality) and union station. that's the plan...but james and i hardly ever stick to the plan - so, we'll see.

more to come - i know i know - you're all anxious and highly anticipating these great 'revelations' from cor...but hold on... ;)

love, jenn

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