Tuesday, November 09, 2004

well...three Law & Orders, a bag of popcorn, and a DQ sundae later....

so...there's no real reason to post right now. actually, i'm no closer to getting my presentation ready than i was when i decided it was time to get going on it (about 3 hours ago). so...not academically productive...just probably about 5 pounds heavier. my roomie was having an equally difficult time in the homework department and suggested we go to DQ. so...yeah...this work that i'm supposed to be doing is for REL451 - Foundations of Christian Doctrine. We have to take turns doing a chapter presentation and tomorrow is my day. ugh...i never really understand the reading...it goes right over my head. the rest of the class is usually discussing these deep theological ideas while i'm busy trying to look up 'big' words in the text. so...needless to say...i just don't want to look stupid so at some level i'd rather just look lazy. o well...guess i'm eventually just gonna have to do it and risk looking stupid. ok..here i go...well...i have to call mi madre first - hahaha - so i'm sure that will provoke a post in the near future...
J - aka - heavy slacker (pun intended :)

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