Friday, November 05, 2004

Round one...*ding*

Well, everyone I knew seemed to be jumping on the whole internet journal thing. I really like being able to click and update myself on the lives of the friends I don't get to see very often. However, now that I think about it, I think this whole thing is way too easy. I think I am starting to use it as a cop-out. There are times you would just rather know what's new with someone without having to ask them or take time out of the craziness of life and spend good old qt with people. I hate it that I even consider this to be a possiblity...but it's true...lately I've become lazy. Well, I was really just intending on writing a quick posting so the system would let me start editing this I guess I'm going to stop for now. Things will pick up....I promise...but this thing seems a little hard to get rolling on. Later.... J

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