Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Babysitters Don't Get Paid Enough....

i got home from james' house about 4pm. i made dinner and then went shopping with my mom. early yesterday morning my recruiter had called and told me to get my butt down to the station by 10am. there was no way i could do that because i was still in bed in belflower. anyways, he wanted to get my picture taken for the OCS packet. i'm supposed to be dressed "business/professional" and needless to say...i wanted a new outfit. mom and i went out shopping...which usually isn't a good idea because we fight...but it went well. i got a 3 piece suit and such and i have to say...i don't clean up half bad. anyways, while i was in one of the dressingrooms, my sister called - she was babysitting 5 kids while their parents went out to the bar to drown their sorrows (the family had a funeral that morning for their grandma - different than mine). anyways, she wanted to know if i wanted to swing by and hang out with the kids. i was tired and didn't really feel like it...but told her i would call her when i was done getting my clothes. about 830 i got a call from her. the kids were ganging up on her and were so bad that she had locked herself in the bathroom to call me. hahaha...i shouldn't laugh...but it was kinda funny. poor mel. anyways, big sis to the rescure :) - i went over to help out. man - she was right..the kids were a handful (forgot to mention - there were 5 of them - ages 16mo to 11). a little recap - i was hit, kicked, bitten, hair pulled(she wouldn't let go so i pulled hers back), and one little girl thought it was funny to try and pull off my pants - really stealing any clothes i had was "hysterical" (hat, cell phone, pants, socks - i really ended up almost naked. haha..ok..maybe a little over-exaggeration). yeah...so overall...great situation. but it was a little easier to handle when you figured that the kids had been through a lot. no one was really helping them deal with their grandma's death - just leaving them to go drink. anyways, guess i've gotta cut this short. not sure why i rushed this...not like i'm doing a whole lot today. mom and dad are working...mel's at school...i'm here. o well. i'm off to brave the snow and pick up mel for lunch. (really i guess it's the high school traffic that i should be worried about. crazy kids :)


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