Sunday, December 12, 2004

the good, the bad, and the ugly (feelin)

tonight was a great night and a bad night all at the same is that possible? it was great to hang out with "the gang" as i'm now refering to them as. seriously, being around any one of those people tonight just automatically puts me in a better mood. it was also good to confirm plans with laura. we found out that we both like to go to the johnson creek outlet mall and we're going to be in WI over the holiday break. she said andy's parents live only like 10 minutes away from there and i'm a little less than an hour away. so, we're going to meet up there on the 27th. it'll be good to get to see at least one gc person over the break. yeah...that's a stress i'll deal with as soon as i have a free moment...probably about wed night or so.

i don't know....tonight i just felt torn. i was in a fun atmosphere with fun people, yet i couldn't shut my mind off of all the other crap going on. for some reason i just couldn't let myself fully enjoy the time and that frustrates me. i don't know what to do....ugh....i just hope i don't have another night like the past 7...this is getting ridiculous. o well...i'm off to read for a little bit. God and i need some alone time.
later.... J

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