Saturday, December 11, 2004

To Do....

To do list: (my roomie insitsed that i make one-she thought it would make HER feel better and mainly because she felt the need to laugh at me...who goes.....)
(to be done before Monday at 1pm- which really means before 6pm Sunday)

1. Monastery Paper (6pgs)
2. Foundations Class Final Exam (5pgs)
3. 70pgs of Reading - Islam
4. World Religions Notes (probably at least 4pgs)
5. World Religions Reflection (2pgs)
6. Write-Up of Buddhist Interview (who knows)
7. Five Site Visit Write-Ups (5pgs)
8. Research For New Assignment - Program Paper For Independant Study -Due Thursday (5-10pgs)

if i don't sleep until monday night, skip taking time to eat, and lock myself in my room... i MIGHT have enough time to get 1-7 done.

-i have no time (even though it's my own fault i put stuff off - yeah, i'm stupid like that)...the rest of life is not helping either...i don't understand why i have to have a super stressful academic week and a super stressful life week at the same time. i feel like i'm gonna break...just not sure in which area yet... *sigh* i'd better shut up and get back to work...just needed a quick timeout for a little vent...yeah.....i think i'm in trouble.....

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