Thursday, December 23, 2004

Triple M's - Me, Mel, and Madison

man, last night was kinda crazy. i met up with some friends from high school (matt, jason, justin, and tamara). we went out to the movies and tried to catch each other up on our lives. i haven't seen justin or tamara in 4 years. justin looks like he's doing well and that makes me happy. let me explain - he was always nicknamed doogie (his last name is houser). he was decently smart, but small for his age. he always tried to stay positive and work hard...but the teasing always got to him in the end. he was a good friend to me and i always under appreciated him. well...last night it was good to hear and see that life is going well for him. he's worked hard in the air force and is finally getting some respect. i'm proud of him for sticking with the military and i know his dad is too (i coached with him 3 summers ago). was a night of many high school memories. some good, some bad...overall just kinda weird....

but today was a good day. i started out in a bad mood because i just can not seem to sleep in. all the days before today it was mainly the fault of other people or plans. but today there was no reason for me to wake up i tried to force myself to stay in bed for a while and lounge around. after i finally couldn't take doing nothing anymore - i got up and ready to start christmas shopping. yes. it is tradition in our house to not start getting presents for people until christmas eve day. so, today was actually an early start for me. i started off looking for a specific present for my sister. actually i had two presents i had decided were necessity. well...i struck out in janesville (i was looking for some specific lens filters for mel's camera) because Star Photo was all sold out. so, i decided i just needed to get out of town and go to madison. i love mad's actually the one place i love to get lost in. mel asked me if she could come with and i finally agreed. it just meant that i would have to get creative in getting her presents around her. well, we got there and picked up the camera parts (i had to let her in on the present because she didn't want to be left alone in the mall...but she promised me she'll act surprised tomorrow) and then headed to Olive Garden. i decided that i was already spending money and there was no reason why we had to try to save money by eating at the food court instead of having a nice meal together. actually it was a blast - the whole day mel and i had a great time. from trying to teach her how to eat pasta with a spoon and fork (hilarious really) to singing stupid christmas carols in the car...we didn't fight at all and just enjoyed the company. i'm starting to realize more and more how mature she's getting. don't get me wrong...she's still very naive in some areas and can be a goofball. but she's also becoming a friend and that's great and weird at the same time. i guess this sounds stupid...but i'm just realizing this holiday season how much i really love her and want to protect her. this ended up affecting my decision about gifts. i decided i wanted to get her something special - a gift that she could remember me by when i leave in 6 months. i ended up at fred meyers jewelry and bought her a white gold cross with three little diamonds in the middle. i'm so excited about it - it's BEAUTIFUL and i can't wait to give it to her. i've never wanted to get her so much as i do this christmas - she's nutty but great :) i actually think i "might" miss her this summer. anyways...i can't believe tomorrow is christmas eve. christmas is my favorite holiday and every year i find myself struggling to try and savor every moment...not letting the season end. this christmas is going to be a TON better than last year. last year we ended up ...the 23rd...leaving the mall and not buying presents because the three of us (mom mel and i) were too upset about dad's surgery. this year is a lot brighter. it's also possibly my "last" christmas with the fam for a while - don't know how to deal with that...but i guess i'm just going to try to enjoy the moments i had.'s good to have a day where everything seems to finally fall into place...i needed a good day this week. well...i think i'm going to finish with the presents and try to go to bed early. i think james is going to call me when he's done hanging out with jacob - - - i'll just take a little "nap" in the free time....

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